Middle East Africa's worsening security essential business risk ...

Lively question in the measures of the security situation ...

Middle East Africa's worsening security essential business risk ... Lively question in the measures of the security situation and companies in the Middle East - held a [safety measures Seminar] - (Middle East, Africa) Japan of activist groups was held month, the Tohoku middle Africa (MENA) to analyze the latest security situation and business risk of regional [Safety Seminar] in Tokyo. The latest security situation and danger in the region, there is information provided about the safety measures to be taken by the company, a lively question-and-answer session was conducted. 0 people in the center of the Japanese companies attended the seminar. In [MENA safety measures seminar], it was carried out to provide information about the latest security situation and risk of the entitled, MENA (MENA) region [northeast Africa latest situation and business risk in talking about experts.

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