Middle East Africa's worsening security essential business risk ...

Middle East Africa's worsening security, essential business risk ...

Middle East Africa's worsening security essential business risk ... Middle East Africa's worsening security, business risk measures are essential - JETRO [Safety Seminar] held () - (Middle East, Africa) JETRO in Munich to date, was held the safety measures Seminar] to introduce the latest security situation and business risk in the Middle East Africa region. To report separately the contents to the times. Part for the situation in general in the Middle East Africa region. [Middle East Africa Safety Seminar experts talk about the Middle East Africa latest situation and business risk] of JETRO, as emerging countries subsidy business of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, continued to 0 years Turkey held (see 0 date article) , the time held outside the country. People in the center of the Japanese companies participated.

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