Middle East Africa's worsening security essential business risk ...

Bar Association reading: turn now would the Middle East, ...

Middle East Africa's worsening security essential business risk ... Turn now will the Middle East, change Japan World (Arab) (Kiriyama Subaru) Author Keiko Sakai, published Misuzu Shobo Large-scale public demonstration, called the [Arab Spring] to 0 years happened, was spread throughout the Arab world. However, now also the violence and oppression of the Arab society and the Middle East are covered. It is really unfortunate situation. There Examples of ISIS (Islamic State) is entered, it seems to be further barbaric and with authoritarian dominated. Japanese people it has killed many people. Moment as early, I just hope and want to stop the cycle of violence. ISIS is now dominated the same extent of territory and the United Kingdom, its brutality, intolerance of, the world in wacky resistance to shook. Philosophy with no air strikes, there is no common interests intervention, are increasingly powerful monsters called ISIS. Philosophy towards the monster, righteousness, the people who think that there is a dream, gathered to ISIS from all over the world, is supporting a monster.

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