Middle East Africa's worsening security essential business risk ...

Local securing human resources measures in the Middle East Africa ...

Middle East Africa's worsening security essential business risk ... Local securing human resources measures in the Middle East Africa region 0 years October Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) Overseas Research Department Middle East Africa Division Introduction The report, in the Middle East Africa region that advance the number of Japanese companies is increasing, a successful business How well or involved with the local human resources in order, what is the difficulty of securing human resources, such as how at the time of local staffing In which compiled and whether to take advantage of the means and agents. In its own people of the employment obligation is complex and demanding countries such as Saudi Arabia, firmly of the rule Understanding correspondence is essential that, in Turkey and the United Arab Emirates that foreign expansion is successive, is high-quality human resources ensure Along with the more difficult, rising labor cost is a big wall. Strong country is the labor union as South Africa The effective use of local staff, adopted in consideration of the balance between the ethnic groups is the risk hedge in Kenya.

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