Middle East Africa's worsening security essential business risk ...

Supreme Leader of the Islamic countries with a luxury watch, Syrian ...

Middle East Africa's worsening security essential business risk ... Supreme Leader of the Islamic countries with a luxury watch, commander-in-chief of the Syrian anti-government faction has a Hello Kitty notebook Social media users who saw the video, Bagudadi suspects, and the elegant black robes, along with the turban eye-catching, was discovered that wearing a luxury watch. That might be the same thing as James Bond. Afghan caves and you can not connect to the Internet, for hiding in modest retreat of Pakistan, might be another outdated for. Islamic extremists armed organization with the leaders of [Iraq and Syria Islamic state of (Sharm) (ISIS)] (also known as ISIL), recently its own along with the founding of the [Islamic State] [caliph] and declared Abu Bakr bug Daddy suspect is hardly represented the figure in the table up to now, the video has become a hot topic has been published to date. And, social media users who have seen this video, the suspect, and the elegant black robes, along with the turban eye-catching, was discovered that wearing a luxury watch.

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